Friday, June 6, 2008

Poem on school re-opening

Poem on School Re-opening. Trust uniquely Priya and virtual rambling would excuse my attempt to "being cretive" !!! Here I go, inspired from my son's re-opening day ...

Smelling New clothes
Shining New Shoes
Brand New Books
Packed in New Bag

Walked into school
one hand with mom
one hand with dad
fresh breeze hit my face

Curious faces
Smiling faces
Reluctant faces
buzzing all around me

It's brand new beginning
What games to play
What to read
but why my old mate missing?


  1. good attempt... why old mate missing???

    btw why would i have a prob with it??? :O

  2. you know I could never do something like this..think from a child's mind..
    parenthood is written all over the post..
    "Walked into school
    one hand with mom
    one hand with dad
    fresh breeze hit my face"
    am sure your son would have loved this

  3. Priya: Old mate missing as his parents shifted the school.

    A rookie should be humble and thats why the disclaimer
    Rambler: Thnx, my family loved this attempt.
